Wednesday 15 December 2010

Module Evaluation

This module has enabled me to experiment with my typographic abilities in order to develop my skills further. It has also given the opportunity to develop my understanding of different print processes, preparing work for that particular print process. Each brief written has provided me with different areas I wanted to explore, such as, Branding and the use of infographics, which was then produced using the different print processes I needed to develop my skills.

The first brief was an infographic brief which was written to explore infographics and how it is applied. I decided to base this on inventions as this could be a good starting point for information, however quickly realised inventions I could explain, the majority of people knew and needed something new/unique. The subject that was decided quickly developed ad I was able to produce screen printed an digital printed outcomes, which was the areas I initially wanted to explore.

As the last brief was coming to a final resolution the second brief was started. For this I had a meeting with a local skatepark owner to produce work for this indoor skatepark charity. This was initially a branding identity brief, however expanded in producing a huge range of merchandise for this skate business. Producing stationary for the company, stickers, info graphic posters to new products that was also designed and created for the benefit of the company. Once the work was finalised another meeting was organised to show the outcomes to the client. I gained positive feedback and were keen to consider using ideas for the business.

This live brief was enabled me to develop the communication skills with a real client. Restricting myself with guidelines from the client also pushed my design process to the clients needs and also pushed my typographic and illustrative skills. This gave me the opportunity to use screen printing process to produce the posters and design for digital print to produce flyers.

Turkey stock was written after my summer placement with Tudor Wholesale Foods. I was able to identify a particular problem this business had when dealing with stock. This was a packaging problem where the products were being read incorrectly. This pushed my typographic skills and produced guidelines of the use of the packaging solution designed, which the company could apply and benefit from. I also found applying this to different stock such as waterproof prints as this needed to suit the environments in which the resolution is placed.

Peter Sands
BA (Hons) Graphic Design
Level 6
Design Practice 3


Design practice continues on the above blog. Thanks Google.

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Quick Brief

Rite, so I received an email about an exhibition at the college in a couple weeks and decided to turn this into a hour brief. I no idea where this one went the way it did, but all I know is I hit Wikipedia and simply searched A4. I found some really random information. Not fully understanding what this stuff was I was looking at, it just seemed to start working.

Deadline - 60mins.

Plan To Print

Now just three more things to print, yes its tweaked again, but this is the last time! these two will me printed along with the full scale packaging guidelines. 


Deck the halls! ... OK, this is my reward, its time for the grip-tape which Ive been wanting to apply to my deck for the works brief.

As I had a few logo stickers to play with and as I didn't include this in the underside graphic, This could be used somewhere else on the product.

As I didn't want to just stick this underneath, why not let the skater stand on it!
I was quite worried i'd balls this right up, and after a 10 min sike I proceeded.

Step one, cut small window in griptape.

Stick and trim. Easy.

This turned out to really quite well and am chuffed to bits and was quite a nice finish to the board.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Start Mocking.

As the website has been developing, I have produced a quick mock up of how the products produced for the info brief could be sold. As the brief was not for a particular client, I became that client and put my own branding on them.

As most of us are probably getting an ipad this Christmas (hopefully) this could be a great tool for putting myself into peoples hands. In this case it could be some sort of app that shows my portfolio and advertises myself and also link to the online shop for the products.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Mock Box

Folding this was a nightmare, Still don't kno if this is folded correctly. This mock-up is only made from a lightweight stock and obviously effecting its durability and would be made from a stronger material.

The final 'product' would be made close to the material the boxes are made from (cardboard).

As for the information that is being printed on the box I feel works rather well, all I need to to do now is make sense of what I have written for each piece of information given. The layout seem ok, I still find myself tweaking parts and will bring this forward at the final crit.